My sister pointed out to me last night that my curls have changed. Looking back at pictures from 4 years ago (like this one with my mom and I from behind), it is also clear to me. I have a different hairstylist, wear my hair a bit finer, use different product, so I guess those are all reasons. But frankly, I like the old curls better.
I'm sure I didn't feel that way at the time, though. I always remember my hair as a point of frustration for me my whole life. That's part of why I'm doing this blog. I'm hoping that seeing my hair through pictures will make me appreciate it and see it for the beauty that it is. We'll see. . .
Oh, here's a picture of me today, just washed my hair. It's looking a little water-heavy, but I'm hoping that that will keep the frizz at bay. Today, I used Aveda Be Curly, which is supposed to be the best, but I have yet to be convinced of. One more time!
Good luck Jenny! Hope the frizz stays at bay.