I took a trip down memory lane yesterday.
I listened to some Veruca Salt after hearing an old song of theirs in a movie the night before. They were one of my favorite bands in Grade 7. I even went downtown to see them and the Muffs play at the Vogue Theatre, un-accompanied by parents, no less. They symbolised freedom and girl power to me before the Spice Girls even came up with the phrase.
But i was rattled listening to them again. The music was loud and angry. I don't remember it being so loud. Maybe I'm old now because it totally gave me a headache.
And the anger! It got me thinking, 'was I an angry child?'
no, i don't think so. I was probably just angst-ridden, like every other 13 year old.Or just listening to it because my friends and our older siblings listened to it.
No matter what I think of it now, this music evokes a whole period of my life - wearing plaid shirts, light-wash, baggy denim and listening to Hole, Nirvana, Green Day, Veruca Salt, Pearl Jam etc. I remember watching Lollapalooza on MuchMusic and thinking it looked so cool. I thought moshing in the rain and the band throwing dirt clods into the crowd and swearing at you looked cool. And no one was telling them to act that way, not like the micro-managed acts today. No one had to design a clothing label and be on a television show and have their own perfume scent to be taken seriously as musicians. They just played their instruments to death and rocked out!